Monday, January 3, 2011

Here we go: Step 1

Step 1: Make observations about the ad and its technique
Below we have mentioned all the points that you have to focus on to complete step 1 of deconstructing the advertisement...
- Begin with a statement that helps the reader to understand your approach to analyzing the ad.
- Make observation about the ad and the appeal of the type of product being advertised and the adjectives that describes the ad
- Provide an objective description of the ad ( visual appearance, and the message itself )
- What gender is represented in the ad? What do they look like? ( if any)
- Their facial expression
- Camera angle ( level of the camera: is it above, eye-level, or below the subject) ( close to the subject or far)
- Lighting ( is it natural or artificial)? Why?
- Are there any parts that are highlighted in the ad while others are not? Why do you think the purpose behind it?
- Layout and design (Colors used, check contrast and brightness)
- Text (what kind font, is more than one type of font used, how big is the text, what color is it, one or more colors used) and what does the text say?
- Headline ( does it attract attention)
- Body copy ( length, emphasis)
- Slogan ( relates to the company image or not)
- Company logo ( familiarity and corporate image)

To make it even easier...Think of it in this way, the first step is like your initial apprasial