Saturday, January 8, 2011

Last but not least!

We thought it would make sense to do a brief overview of all the ads aimed at the Gulf and the ads aimed mainly to the West, since we’ve been doing a lot of comparing and contrasting.
Here are some of the conclusions that we came up with:
First let us talk about ads aimed at the Gulf:
The first thing everyone will say is that they are more conservative and/or are censored. Even though they are not as creative as the ads in the West, they are getting there. They still have a lot to learn about many aspects of print advertising like: what pictures to use, how to use them, text in ads, organization of the layout.. etc. Thank god they we have seen major imporvement in the past year and a half!
Ads in the west are on a totally opposite spectrum. Consumers there have seen everything so this makes the job for the advertisers harder. They have to always come up with something new and creative to attract new consumers. The ads are more raw in term of content, especially pictures. It use things like love, nudity, and politics to twist it up. They enjoy using the shock appeal, which we all love.   
We truly hope that this blog has helped in any way possible to open your eyes to the millions of print advertisements that surround us.
Spread the word and help educate!
Feel free to send us any feedback or inquires through twitter: @printad101, or send us an email: