Friday, January 7, 2011


Just to refresh your memory and make sure that you're still on the same track ...

Dont get confused ...Comparing advertisements is not any different from analyzing them.

If you are able to interpret the advertisement, critique it, and compare it to another similar advertisement then you're one step ahead!

How to analyze advertisements is not something that can be learned through a book or by just reading this blog, you have to practice it, and "practice makes perfect"..

We are here as a guide to help you understand each step that goes into analyzing and then giving you examples to show you how to put together all the steps.

We also compare different advertisements that are based in the Gulf and others that are based mostly in the West because it is important for all of you to understand that the advertising strategy of a company changes according to the country they are marketing to. So this effects: the message, slogan, layout, text, and illustrations to make it more suitable for the countries culture.

This in hand does effect the way you have to analyze the advertisement, because you then learn how to see the advertisements from different points of views, which helps broaden your skills of deconstructing and helps you notice the smaller hidden details and intentions behind the advertisement.

Stay tuned for more! :)